In order to achieve its goals of building a culture and enhancing the capability of research particularly in the sector of NGOs, SALI research office provides both theoretical and practical training for NGOs’ staff and other interested people.
Theoretical Training courses
SRO provides short training courses in the following areas:
1. Research methodology(
2. Basic Epidemiology
3. Basic statistics
4. Scientific writing
Practical (Hands-on training)
- SRO conduct practical training spanning all steps in the research journey from selection of the research topic to publication of the results.
- The following are the major steps at which SALI provides its technical support:
1. Selection of the research topics pertinent to the projects implemented by the NGO. Generally, the research should cover the following aspects:
o Needs assessment( identification of gaps/real needs)
o Identification of major health problems in the population served by the projects
o Assessment of the health systems in the areas served by the problem
o Identification of areas of improvement within the projects
o Cost-effectiveness analysis
o Testing different modalities for delivering the health service
2. Writing concept notes to be discussed and approved by the SRC
3. Developing the research proposal
4. Developing the data collection tools
5. Obtaining the ethical approval
6. Budget plan and preparation of all the equipment
7. Selection and training of the data collectors
8. Using electronic devices in research data collection
9. Research project management including : Field coordination and Data management
10. Data analysis and writing preliminary reports
11. Final report writing
12. Dissemination plan: publication and communication the research findings with stakeholders