SALI has a vision to be the premier model of excellence to be adopted by the NGOs in the region. Two important components will determine the success of achieving a tangible impact; the first being widening the base to get a large number of partners and implementing NGOs usage of the model and the second, institutionalization of the SALI capability program.
Step one: SALI to be recognized as a model of implementation.
Step two: SALI Organization itself to be a certified agent providing SALI-certificates to NGOs fulfilling the 360 points according to the SALI certification assessment tool. The SALI-certified NGO will be recognized and have increased potentiality and eligibility to attract international funding and PPP projects.
Step three: For Individuals and participants joining SALI capability program, to see this program as part of their career development and personal promotion through: either certification of the training program as certified courses from accredited authorities or through institutionalization of the SALI capability development curriculum as postgraduate degrees in higher education institutes.